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The following recommendations are provided to assist you in the process of verifying insurance benefits.  Megan Callahan, PhD, PLLC provides no guarantees that adhering to these recommendations will result in coverage of services or complete information about coverage.  Questions in bold can be asked directly to insurance representatives to help you get specific information about your coverage.


  1. Find your insurance card, or obtain copies of the front and back of your insurance card.

  2. It is often necessary to know the name of the company who holds the policy, as well as the name, date of birth, and mailing address of the policyholder.  You will also need to know your member identification number, which can be found on the insurance card.

  3. Call the customer service number listed on the back of your insurance card.

  4. Determine if your insurance plan covers desired services.  You may ask, ‘Does my plan provide any coverage for outpatient, office visit mental health services?’

  5. If you are planning for telehealth services, you should also ask, 'Does my plan cover telehealth therapy sessions?' and 'Are there any restrictions or limits to coverage for telehealth?'

  6. Verify that Megan Callahan, PhD, at Megan Callahan, PhD, PLLC is an approved provider with your insurance company.You may ask, ‘Is Megan Callahan, PhD an in-network provider with my plan?’

  7. If it is determined that Megan Callahan, PhD is not in-network with your company, plan, you may ask ‘Does my plan provide any out-of-network benefits for outpatient, office visit, mental health services?’

  8. Ask ‘Do I have a deductible that applies to mental health benefits?’  A deductible is an amount of money you are required to pay out-of-pocket before insurance benefits kick in.  If you have a deductible, you may ask ‘What is my deductible?,’ ‘How much of my deductible have I currently met?,’ and ‘When does my deductible re-set?’

  9. Co-pays and co-insurances are both portions of service fees you are required to pay directly to the provider (e.g., Megan Callahan, PhD, PLLC).  These payments typically apply after any deductible is met.  Ask your insurance company, ‘Do I have a co-pay or co-insurance?’ and ‘If so, how much is my co-pay or co-insurance?’

  10. Ask ‘Are there any limits on numbers of sessions or length of sessions?’

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